Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Explained
Imagine you're at a dinner party (remember those?)
You look around and notice how different the guests are from one another. Clearly, people didn't have to match the host in order to get an invite. That's diversity.
Then you notice that the host took into account guests' different dietary requirements and preferences. There are kosher, halal, vegan, gluten-free, vegetarian, and dairy-free options. The host asked and listened to people prior to the event. That's inclusion.
Finally, you notice that the host arranged the table so that everyone could reach the meal. Rather than requiring those at the back of the room to get up and journey to tables at the front, the host put platters on each table. Rather than requiring the children to have to climb the table to reach, they provided booster chairs. Rather than people with physical disabilities having inaccessible utensils, like two salad spoons, they provided tongs. That's equity.
Without diversity, you're having dinner in an echo chamber.
Without inclusion, many guests will leave hungry.
Without equity, the privileged will leave full while the unprivileged have not eaten at all.